8th graders at Gordon Cooper today!

Maud school students enjoying some Chick-fil-A after the Gordon Cooper trip.

Maud schools in the carpentry class at Gordon Cooper

Sophomore students Bobby Watson and Joey Hopkins at Gordon Cooper for the sophomore showcase

Mr Harpers shop class is building benches from old pallets!


Veterans Day / Thanksgiving Dinner hosted by Maud PTO / Sunday, November 10, 2019 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM / Adults $8:00 (Veterans 1/2 price) Children 12 & under $5.00

Trent Smith, fund raiser for Maud Softball

Maud Christmas Parade is December 14, 2019 at 2:00 PM. Line up is at the High School at 1:00 PM for participants.

This Saturday, Nov 2 at 5:00 PM is the Lil' Elvis concert , at the High School Gym featuring Trent Smith. Admission is $8 adults, $5 students, no charge for children 5 years old and under. Purchase your ticket at the door, no reserved seating. Proceeds go to the girls softball team as a fundraiser. Enjoy the show!

Reminder: The bloodmobile will be at the High School tomorrow - Thursday, October 31 from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Donors get a limited-edition Bigfoot T-Shirt! To schedule an appointment, contact Thomas Daubert at 405-374-2425 or just drop in!

Fall Carnival Tonight from 6 - 8 PM at the Community Center. Come join in some ghoulish fun!

Get your flu shot!

Field trip to Pioneer Museum in Wewoka

Concert Lil' Elvis - Saturday, November 2 at 5:00 PM. (pay at the door)

The JH football game with Weleetka is cancelled today.

Thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of the two boys in Weleetka, Anthony & Matt, who perished due to carbon monoxide poisoning yesterday.

Elementary walk to school day!

Cross Country Participants

Coach Browning and Seniors